The Flamingo Gardens Orchid Society invites you to attend their monthly meeting on Monday, February 10th, beginning at 7:30 pm. FGOS meets monthly at Flamingo Gardens in the Mary N. Porter Learning Center, 3750 S Flamingo Road, in Davie.
The February meeting will include a guest lecture by noted orchid enthusiast John Romano. John is an American Orchid Society accredited judge and tropical plant expert who will be speaking about Dendrobiums. John administers several orchid Facebook groups and is the host of the popular “Let’s Talk Orchids” YouTube show.
For orchid enthusiasts who are new to the hobby or new to Flamingo Gardens Orchid Society, the Newbie Group meets prior to the FGOS meeting, at 6:45 pm in the Learning Center, for a 30-minute beginner-level discussion about seasonal orchid topics.
For more information on the Flamingo Gardens Orchid Society and how to join, email the Society at [email protected] or visit them online at