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Special Event

Story Time!

January 26th, 2024
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Josh's Birthday - Sunday, January 26, 2025: The Bear Ate Your Sandwich by Julia Sarcone - Roach

Gather in our outdoor reading area in the shade of the southern live oak where Ms. Barbara will read the children a story related to nature. 

After the story, Ms. Cintia encourages imagination and mindfulness through yoga. Children (and parents too!) participate in breathing exercises and yoga poses based on the subject of the story and the animals in our sanctuary. Afterwards, the children can express their own creativity by participating in a craft inspired by the story. 

Story Time is free with paid admission (or membership) to Flamingo Gardens. An adult must stay with the child during story time, yoga and the craft. For more information, contact the Education Department at 954-473-2955 x115. 

Dates & Books:

Josh’s Birthday – Sunday, January 26, 2025: The Bear Ate Your Sandwich by Julia Sarcone – Roach

Sunday, February 2, 2025: Tree Full of Wonder by Anna Smithers

 Sunday, March 2, 2025: Bird of a Feather by Sita Singh

Sunday, April 6, 2025: Tortoise Trouble by Amy Simcox

Sunday, May 4, 2025: Bird Builds a Nest by Martin Jenkins

Mother’s Day – Sunday, May 11, 2025: In the Nest by Anna Milbourne and Laurence Cleyet-Merle

Sunday, June 1, 2025: My, oh My – a Butterfly! by Tish Rabe

Father’s Day – Sunday, June 15, 2025: Gator Day by Brian Lies

Sunday, July 6, 2025: Panther: Shadow of the Swamp by Jonathan London

Sunday, August 3, 2025: The Acorn by Edward Gibbs

James’ Birthday – Sunday, August 10, 2025: The Foodie Flamingo by Vanessa Howl

Sunday, September 7, 2025: Three Hens and a Peacock by Lester L. Laminack

Sunday, October 5, 2025: I Love the Nightlife by Dr. Suess Adapted by Tish Rabe

Halloween – Sunday, October 26, 2025: Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson

Sunday, November 2, 2025: Gratitude is My Superpower by Alica Ortega

 Sunday, December 7, 2025: Try a Little Kindness by Henry Cole

Story Time is free with paid admission (or membership) to Flamingo Gardens.


$24.00, Ages 12+

$17.00, Ages 3-11

Free for members and ages 2 and under.


Kathy Curtin

Education Department

(954) 473-2955 x115

[email protected]