The Eco-teers have launched their mangrove restoration campaign in partnership with The Youth Environmental Alliance (YEA) on Saturday, August 27th.
Volunteers spent their day collecting propagules and removing trash off the shores of Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park. Approximately 300 white, black and red mangroves propagules were collected which have been transported to Flamingo Gardens where they will be germinated in freshwater tanks.
Once the trees are strong enough to be planned in-ground, they will return to Eula Johnson Stat Park. A special recognition goes to MangroLife and Youth Environmental Alliance (YEA) for their kind donations of aquatic tanks and for their roles as educators, providing information on how to collect and germinate the propagules.
Eco-teers also removed approximately 40 pounds of trash using supplies donated by 4Ocean.
Mangroves provide essential habitat for thousands of species. They also stabilize shorelines, preventing erosion and protecting the land – and the people who live there – from waves and storms. As the Climate Crisis and detrimental human activates continues to threaten our planet, it is crucial to take action in creating and advocating for more sustainable future for all.
The success of this project could not have been possible without the help of MangroLife and the Youth Environmental Alliance. Support has been provided by the following Funds at the Community Foundation of Broward: Leonard & Sally Robbins Fund, Mary and Alex Mackenzie Community Impact Fund, Fredrick W. Jaqua Fund, and support from Spirit Airlines.
If you would like to join the Eco-teers in their upcoming enviromental projects, email Glennys Navarrete at [email protected] to request an application.