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Eco-Teers – Southgate Meadow Reclamation Project

The Eco-teers managed to remove 4 pounds of Ruella (Mexican Petunia) and Gale of the Wind. These volunteers learned about Trideck Daisies and Sandbur. Volunteers planted native plants to the meadow and saw the difference that has been made over the past month by an increase in native wildlife. We were able to see Sulphur butterflies, Monarchs, and other moths from that family. We also noticed an owl family living in the tree adjacent to the meadow. Volunteers learned how to identify certain plants and utilize the app “INaturalist” to add plant species known to a specific area and interact with others in the field. This project is ongoing and there will be other projects at this location introducing more wildlife and educational purposes.

BEFORE (June 11, 2023)
AFTER (July 22, 2023)

More photos from that day:

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